The Grant Professional's
Secret Library
It's not really a secret, but doesn't a secret library sound amazing?!
Grant professionals are voracious readers - here is Dana's list of must-haves for any grant professional.
Full Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. But you can buy these books anywhere - and you should!
The Grant Professional's Secret Library
"Books are the best weapon in the world." - Doctor Who
When appropriate, I've aligned these books with the GPCI Core Competencies of a Grant Professional.
Prospecting for
Org. Development
Project Design
Proposal Development
Post Award Mgmt
The Grant Profession
Being a Steward
Case Statements

"Unlock the secrets of the IRS990 in this quick guide!"
1 2 4 6

"This is an awesome book for anyone who writes grants.
Dr. Bev is probably the most respected grant pro out there."
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

"I use this book as the text for a college course I teach.
It's a great reference for anyone working for a nonprofit or serving on a board."
2 3 6 8

"The basis for the evidence-based CASEL practice. Several clients in education or human services that use this as a basis for services. Great content!"

"If Tom can't get you excited about your nonprofit leadership, you need to check your pulse. A great read and he donates proceeds to charity!"
2 9

"Every nonprofit board member should have a copy of this book. Review it at every board retreat!"
2 8

"When complying with government guidelines, ignorance is NO excuse! Play it safe and figure out what you are doing!
2 7 8

"A primer for anyone who wants to work with or serve nonprofits."
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

"Not only does Joan offer tips on turning around a nonprofit - her humor and transparency touched my heart."
2 5 6 7 9